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Mangrove Tree Planting Continuation Program


As one of ORIF's commitments in carrying out its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, ORIF held a mangrove tree planting with the theme "100 Trees, Million Benefits for Our Planet". The planting of mangrove trees is carried out as an effort to protect the environment and the mangrove ecosystem which has been damaged due to land conversion to other designated areas, encroachment, pests and diseases, pollution, and expansion of ponds, as well as untrained cultivation practices.


ORIF carried out a continued reforestation program by planting 100 mangrove trees by the end of 2022, scattered in the area of the Angke Kapuk Nature Tourism Park (TWA AK) which is a mangrove conservation area of 99.82 hectares in Pantai Indah Kapuk, North Jakarta.


This area is owned by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, managed by the Jakarta Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA), and Tourism activities are managed by PT Murindra Karya Lestari (MKR) as the holder of a natural tourism business permit.


With the continuous planting of mangrove trees, it is hoped that it will indirectly provide awareness and continuous learning to the community about the importance of maintaining coastal ecosystems by caring for mangrove plants. This activity must also always be instilled in the next generation or the younger generation to participate in playing an active role in protecting the environment that will support people's lives in the future.

100 Trees, Million Benefits for Our Planet

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